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Services and treatment modalities

Weekday and weekend appointments.

Services: Services

Individual therapy

45 min art psychotherapy sessions for children, young people, adults as well as arts therapies students. No previous experience in art is necessary. Get in touch for further information or to arrange a taster session. 

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Online Art Therapy

Individual art therapy sessions are offered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams in accordance to latest guidance from the British Association of Art Therapists. Sessions are 45 min. You can make art during the session or share your images before or after the appointment so they can be discussed. For more information please get in touch.


Consultation for parents/carers

45 min sessions for parents and carers of children or young people to assess presenting difficulties and to offer support and management strategies - face-to-face or online appointments available.


Group therapy

Open or close art therapy groups - upon request (minimum 5 participants). Please get in touch for further information.


Home visits

50 min sessions at home for people with limited mobility (assessed on individual basis).


Art making sessions

Individual or group art making sessions and consultation to support artists, therapists and students developing their artistic portfolio.


Terapia en español (therapy in Spanish)

Terapia individual o grupal para personas de habla hispana. Sesiones presenciales o digitales. 

Individual or group therapy for the Spanish speaking community  


Corporate Workshops

Tailored corporate workshops to promote wellbeing in the workplace. Range of themes and modalities available. Please get in touch for more information.

Clinical Supervision

Individual or group off-site supervision for qualified art therapists and art therapy trainees.

If you are a trainee then an initial visit to your placement or university to liaise with your placement manager and clinical tutor can be arranged in order to ensure all your academic needs are met.

Fees range from £50.00-65.00 p/h

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